Respect Life Ministry

The mission of our Respect Life Ministry is to acknowledge and respect life from the moment of conception until a natural death.

  • We pray for the intentions of the parish, our community, our nation, and the world, as they relate to the Sanctity of Life issues.
  • We aim to educate and disseminate information to our parishioners about the humanity of an unborn child, the dignity of the aged and handicapped, a respect for the family unit, and the value of abstinence, chastity, and natural family planning.
  • We support our local crisis pregnancy center, Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy Care Centers of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach.
  • We strive to encourage the community to become involved with issues such as abortion, euthanasia, embryonic destructive research and human cloning, and capital punishment by stressing the teaching of our Catholic faith.
  • With the permission and encouragement of the pastor, we sponsor activities at the parish level, work with other ministries within the parish, and invite parishioners to participate in activities both within and outside the parish to further an awareness of the Sanctity of Life issues.
  • We attempt to inform the parish community of legislation that would threaten or enhance the Sanctity of Life and encourage involvement in the legislative process through exercising the right to vote and contacting our legislators. 
  • Any parishioner, adult or teen, who is interested in learning more or is interested in taking an active role in the St. Therese de Lisieux Respect Life Ministry is encouraged to contact Ms. Aixa Nieves or Dr. Lourdes Nieves by calling the parish office at 561-784-0689.